House gatherings this Friday! Don't forget to wear your shirt.
Thank you for sending students with necessary winter gear. Snow boots are particularly important when snow is on the ground. Students are limited to what they can do during recess if they don't have snow boots. Thank you!
No School tomorrow, Monday, January 15th!
Thank you Officer Stinson for reading to our 1st graders this week! We're grateful for the support from Cody PD. Learn Together, SOAR Together, the Key is Me
Inclement weather and Temporary Virtual Education (TVE): In the event that school needs to be closed due to weather related issues, TVE days will be implemented. During TVE days, teachers will communicate with families what the expectations for learning will be for that day. Elementary students will utilize the Brain Quest books that have been sent home earlier this school year. Please see the letter attached below with further details.
Click the link for our January Newsletter!
Eastside teachers are hard at work preparing standards-based curriculum and engaging instruction for our students. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Wednesday!
Learn Together, SOAR Together, the Key is Me
We look forward to seeing you at our next PTK meeting on January 11th!
Honing our art skills as we make ornaments and gifts for families!
Learn Together, SOAR Together, the Key is Me
2nd grade has been SOARing this year! They earned root beer floats for doing a great job following and modeling SOAR expectations throughout the school.
Learn Together, SOAR Together, the Key is Me
After each assessment our 5th graders graph their individual growth. Through this process they keep track of their progress towards mastery of each essential standard.
Learn Together, SOAR Together, the Key is Me
Thank you to our families for coming to Eastside’s Danish in December!
Learn Together, SOAR Together, the Key is Me
Tomorrow is our Danish in December Breakfast! We hope to see you between 7:30-8:00!
Tonight is the 5th grade and Honor Choir Winter Concert at 6pm! Students, please meet in your classrooms at 5:45.
Click the link for Eastside's December Newsletter!
Cost for Breakfast is $3.00 and $3.75 for lunches. Here is the link to fill out the Free and Reduced lunch application: You can also pay/check on accounts on that website.
We support local: The ground beef we are using this year was purchased from Gallaghers Farm and the lettuce we use is purchased from Greybull Valley Produce.
Please join us at our 5th grade and Honor Choir Winter Concert, on December 11th at 6pm.
Mark your calendars!
We look forward to seeing everyone back at school! Don't forget to turn in your spirit gear orders by Tuesday.
Last call for RSVP's for our STEM Night this Thursday! Please send in your RSVP's no later than tomorrow!